Monday, October 17, 2016

Our Room

Our room has been through so many phases. It's one of those rooms that it has so much space, so the

number of options can be overwhelming. We initially decided to take the smaller room, because in our

previous apartment, we never really spent any time in our room. So we didn't want to put all of this time

and money into it. 

The initial thought was to do it as 1/3 living area, 1/3 Justin's workspace, 1/3 Kaylan's workspace. 

Great in theory, but really tough to execute. We imagined doing shelving on the right wall with all of 

our books and TV, and then obviously painting, and doing a little living space in front of it. 

Then, facing the windows would be Justin's desk, and mine there on the back wall. 

Here we are halfway through the execution. It was definitely a fun surprise to find vinyl tile under all of 

that carpet.. 

Here is where we had it just before Christmas. Little did I know, this was our room's puberty phase. 

You know like, we knew we were having company, se we decided to make it look fairly presentable. 

And then 3 months later we had it here. 

I like to call this the pre-teen phase, You can tell it's really trying. But it just doesn't know what it wants 

to do with its life yet.

We still had the closet doors off, and had yet to finish the floors, but we felt 'OK' with it like this. We 

lived with it like that for about 10 months. and then a couple months ago while Justin was at work I had 

a profound thought. What the hay are we doing?! We have this huge room back here and this whole 

combined workspace thing is NOT working! You can tell, his audio equipment was leaking over into 

the living area, and we were always sharing plugs. It just wasn't a great set up. And I just never had 

THAT feeling when I walked in there. So I just started moving things. 

Let's call this phase, the pre-mid-life crisis. It's kind of like when you're moving out of puberty and you 

are between who you were, and who you want to be. We're getting deep now, people.
I'm going to be honest, I'm definitely one of those people who would rather get a hernia moving my 

own furniture rather than ask for help. Which got us here. I moved our mattress and plaid chair into the 

hallway, and then loaded our books into boxes, moved the TV, and the couch.

Guys…it was rough. Justin got home from work and I had a lot of our stuff in the hallway. It was

definitely a Leslie Knope adopting 32 dogs moment when he got home. 

But within 2 days, we finally had our room. Now it's like, what were we even doing before this?

We tried to make everything in here very practical. The couch is actually from Walmart. Crazy right?! And it also folds down into a bed. And with a foam topper and sheets, its actually really comfortable. The lamp is perfect for late nights reading or blogging (currently sitting there now). And the rug is actually an outdoor rug, which is perfect because its fibers don't absorb dirt! And the artwork from left to right is from Jo&Junes, and the flea market.

Over here on this side!
We actually got the dresser from Craigslist, but I think I will paint the outside white. And in case you were wondering, the fiddle tree is from Home Depot, they will randomly sell them in spring, and fall.
(gold sconces/Area rug)

I pretty much spend all my spare time in here. I just love it so much! Of course we will make tweaks

here and there, but overall we are really enjoying it!

Do you have a room that you've felt like this about? 

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